Tribute paid to M.E. advocate Barbara Turnbull who died recently | 10 January 2019

January 10, 2019


Barbara Turnbull passed away peacefully on Wednesday 12th December aged 86. Her funeral took place on Friday, 4th January.

Anne Cutress, friend and former trustee of Clwyd ME Support Group, writes:

“Barbara was an early member of the M.E. community, whose large heart supported people with M.E. across North East Wales for many many years.”

“She set up and ran the Clwyd ME Support Group spearheading the campaign for services in North Wales.

“This resulted in 2 clinics being set up in Connah's Quay and Caernarfon.

“She helped raise awareness and funds by organising an annual conference – as well as regular meetings for sufferers and their families – and also ran a phone support service.”

“I am sure that the hundreds of people who Barbara supported will remember her with affection and will feel honoured to have known her.”

Dr Charles Shepherd, Hon. Medical Adviser, ME Association, adds:

“I have very fond memories of my regular trips up to Connah’s Quay to give presentations at the very well attended Clwyd ME support group meetings that Barbara used to organise for people with M.E. and for health professionals.”

“Barbara even managed to persuade the local MP to come along as well!”

“For many years Barbara was the driving force behind all kinds of initiatives that aimed to improve the care and management of M.E. in North Wales.”

“She will be sadly missed.”


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