Invite your MP to attend the House of Commons debate on M.E. | 18 January 2019

January 18, 2019


Dr Charles Shepherd, Hon. Medical Adviser, ME Association.

Update: 23rd January 2019.

We have been informed that the M.E. debate is likely to begin between 2.00pm and 3.00pm and could last until 5.00pm on Thursday 24th January. You will be able to watch proceedings LIVE on Parliament TV.

Yesterday, Carol Monaghan, MP, announced that the application she had made for a full chamber debate on the issues surrounding M.E. had been granted.

The application for the backbench debate was made last October with support from Ms. Monaghan's Parliamentary colleagues, Nicky Morgan, Kelvin Hopkins and Stephen Pound.

  • Ms. Monaghan led two Westminster Hall debates on M.E. in 2018 (in February and June)

The full debate will take place in the House of Commons next week, on Thursday, 24th January at 2.00pm.

We don't know how long the debate will take, but we expect it will be televised on Parliament TV which usually allows for debates to be downloaded.

Please invite your MP to attend the debate

We've included a template email/letter below that you can amend to suit your circumstances or to raise any particular issue, and a link that will enable you to locate your MPs contact information.

  • Try and keep your email or letter brief and to the point.

You can also attach or include the Parliamentary Briefing that has been prepared by the ME Association, #MEAction, Action for M.E. and the ME Trust and is supported by other M.E. charities.

Dear [Name of your MP]

Please attend the House of Commons debate on M.E.

I am one of your constituents who has myalgic encephalomyelitis (M.E.) – a serious and very disabling neurological disease that affects around 250,000 people in the UK

As a result of having ME I am [opportunity to briefly explain what effect M.E. has had on your life].

On Thursday January 24th, Carol Monaghan MP has secured a House of Commons backbench debate on M.E. – where a number of major issues and concerns will be raised.

The 2019 Parliamentary Briefing.

These are referred to in the motion:

“That this House calls on the Government to provide increased funding for biomedical research into the diagnosis and treatment of M.E., supports the suspension of Graded Exercise Therapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy as means of treatment, supports updated training of GPs and medical professionals to ensure they are equipped with clear guidance on diagnosis of M.E. and appropriate management advice to reflect international consensus on best practice, and is concerned about the current trends of subjecting M.E. families to unjustified child protection procedures.”

These issues and concerns are described in more detail in the attached briefing document that has been prepared and supported by national charities – who are members of Forward ME which is chaired by the Countess of Mar – who represent both children and adults with the disease.

I would also draw your attention to [opportunity to raise a local issue of concern such as lack of any local specialist who can provide help with diagnosis or management etc.].

If you are able to attend this debate and raise some of these concerns I would be very grateful.

Kind regards



Find your MP

Locate the contact details for your MP by visiting the Parliament directory, and then use the template above to send an email (or letter). Don't forget to attach or include a copy of the M.E. Debate Briefing document.

Please let us know on our Facebook page if you hear back from your MP and whether they will be attending the debate.



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