UK ME/CFS Research Collaborative | Minutes of the executive committee meeting held on 15 January 2016.

January 22, 2016

Plans for a Grand Challenge involving possibly recruiting up to 10,000 participants for detailed phenotyping and genetic analysis were discussed at the last meeting of the UK ME/CFS Research Collaborative executive committee on January 15.

Other items that took up a deal of attention were their second annual scientific conference in Southampton later this year and various ideas for a Code of Conduct on communications matters.

Attending were Professor Stephen Holgate (Chairman), Dr Esther Crawley (vice-chairman), Mary-Jane Willow (Association for Young People with M.E.), new member Professor Chris Ponting (Professor of Genomics at Oxford University), Sonya Chowdhury (Action for M.E.), Ed Sykes (Science Media Centre), Professor Carmine Pariante (Professor of Biological Psychiatry at the Institutre of Psychiatry), Dr Charles Shepherd (The ME Association), Professor Paul Little (Professor of Primary Care Research within Medicine, Southampton University) and Nehar Issar-Brown (Medical Research Council)

A Word file containing the Minutes of the meeting can be found HERE.

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