ME/CFS and exemption from NHS prescription charges – an update | 14 March 2015

March 14, 2015

This is a subject that we covered a few weeks ago and pointed out that, although ME/CFS is not an automatic condition that acts as a passport to free NHS prescriptions, there are ways in which people with ME/CFS can obtain exemption from these charges.

More information here:

Having flagged this up in the Spring issue of ME Essential membership magazine as well, we are now receiving replies from people who are successfully making use of this exemption.

Letter just in from one of our members:

I'm slowly working my way through ME Essential.
I have severe ME/CFS, I'm predominantly housebound and if I do go out I'm always accompanied.
I'm on ESA support (contribution based) so don't qualify for free prescriptions. I have four regular prescriptions so it's been quite costly.
I recently read about the member who qualified for exemption and thought nothing ventured nothing gained and asked my doctor (by letter) if she would sign the exemption form.
She must have as I received my card last week. My husband will be collecting my first free prescription this week.
The saving will be very much appreciated and go towards the cost of other treatments recommended by my doctor that are not available on prescription.
I know that I'm one of the lucky ones with an understanding GP but can't see how anybody in a similar situation can be turned down.
It's knowing about it that may be the main obstruction.

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