Two TV documentaries on the Work Capability Assessment coming up | 30 July 2012

July 27, 2012

The highly controversial Work Capability Assessment – the gateway to obtaining Employment and Support Allowance for most claimants – will be the subject of two TV documentaries to be screened next Monday (30 July).

The first will be on Channel 4's ‘Dispatches' programme at 8pm and will run for half an hour.

“Using undercover filming, reporter Jackie Long investigates the shocking processes used to assess whether sickness and disability benefit claimants should be declared fit for work.”

After that viewers can turn over to BBC2 to watch Panorama's ‘Disabled or Faking It', which starts at 8.30pm and also runs for half an hour.

“Panorama investigates the government's plans to end the so-called ‘sick note culture' and their attempts to get millions of people off disability benefits and into work. In Britain's modern welfare state, millions are being paid to private companies to assess sick and disabled claimants but is the system working? Or are new tests wrongly victimising those who deserve support the most?”

BBC Panorama website

C4 Dispatches website

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